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👉🏻 Top Priority: Every Wellness Coach Needs This

As a Wellness Coach, I know you’re passionate about helping others achieve their best health. You’re dedicated to building your coaching business, constantly learning new techniques, and striving to make a real difference in the world.

But, as a Business Coach & Copywriter, and Training Consultant for 2 Wellness Coaching Certification Agencies, I know first hand how Coaches, especially new Coaches can really struggle…

Laura Albers Laura Albers

Why Grey is the Best Color... For Your Mind

Do any of these scenarios sound familiar?

You’re on a dating website and you message someone you felt attracted to and got no response. You think to yourself, “I’ll never find the right person, so why bother?”

Or, “I ate that piece of cake I wasn’t supposed to so I might as well eat the ice cream too. I’ve blown it. I’m never going to lose those last 15 pounds.” …

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Laura Albers Laura Albers

How do you answer this question, "How's your day going?"

Have you ever walked past a colleague in the hallway and asked how she was doing and her response was, “Busy?” Or you ask a friend how their day has been and they respond with “Good, but busy!”

How do you answer this common question? Chances are you haven't given it much thought, but I bet you will start to notice now.

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Laura Albers Laura Albers

Winter Blues Got You Down?

As I type this, I am freezing and both my index fingers are blue.

I am so over winter!

Which makes want to move to the nearest tropical island and forget about all the frosty white stuff on the ground. Who's with me?!?

Well, as much as I'd love to do that, I don't think it's very realistic for most of us, so I guess our time would be better spent on making the most of winter time…

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Laura Albers Laura Albers

How to Tell If You Are an Introvert or Have Social Anxiety

Social anxiety has often been used interchangeably with introversion in our culture today, making those that simply recharge by more solo, quiet activities question whether their way to unwind is problematic or if it borders on having social anxiety. It can be confusing and makes knowing if or when you should get support difficult…

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Laura Albers Laura Albers

How to get out of your next anxiety attack

In today’s fast-paced society, with never ending to-do lists and endless amounts of information right at our fingertips, it’s no wonder anxiety is the most common mental health issue. Anxiety affects over 40 million Americans each year, about 18% of the population!

If you’ve ever experienced an anxiety or panic attack, then you know first-hand just how scary and unbearably frustrating they can be…

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