From Self-Doubt to Success: 10 Essential Lessons for Wellness Coaches


As Coachpreneurs, it's easy to get caught up in self-doubt and frustration when we feel like we're not meeting our own expectations.

But here's the truth: Who cares if you suck sometimes?

It's all part of the process. 

Nobody starts as an entrepreneurial guru, and everyone faces setbacks along the way. It's the lessons we learn from these moments of "sucking" that shape us into better coaches.

Today, I'm sharing 10 tips from my 7+ year business journey to help you not just accept but celebrate those "sucky" moments as you begin your wellness coaching career:

1.Throw a “pity party”

It’s important to honor your feelings, whatever they may be. You may feel shame, embarrassment, discouragement, and frustration when things don’t go as planned; when the launch fails, when you spend hours creating a video no one comments on, etc. 

The best way to move through that experience is to allow yourself to feel however you feel; to acknowledge yourself and the desire to do well and please others. That’s totally okay!

You just don’t want to stay stuck there. But numbing it out or pretending you don’t care is only going to keep you stuck and fearful of taking action. So allow yourself to feel it and then, as T Swift would say, “Shake It Off,” and decide your next action.

2. Adopt the Learning Process

Remember that nobody becomes a pro overnight. You're learning, growing, and evolving with each coaching session and with each new business task you do. Everyone starts at 0 and gains confidence and know how through taking action…imperfect action. Embrace the learning curve, and let it motivate you to become better. Remember you’re only competing with yourself.

3. Get Feedback

Don't be afraid to ask for feedback from your clients. They can provide valuable insights into what's working and what can be improved. Constructive feedback is your best friend on this journey. 

Plus, as a big added bonus, getting your clients’ feedback will also give you the language they use so you can make your marketing and copy even more compelling.

4. Reframe Mistakes

 Mistakes and setbacks are part of the game. Instead of dwelling on them, treat them as opportunities to grow. Analyze what went wrong, adjust your approach, and move forward with newfound wisdom. 

You might even change the language and replace the word mistake or failure with words like “feedback, gathering information, testing, exploring, or learning.”

5. Develop Resilience 

Resilience is the key to thriving in the wellness coaching world. Cultivate the ability to bounce back from challenges, rejections, and self-doubt. It's an invaluable skill that will serve you well throughout your career. 

When I’m feeling particularly vulnerable or discouraged, I rechannel Taylor and play the song, “Shake it off” and do a silly dance, while I literally shake off the “ickiness.” It’s just silly enough to work!

6. Celebrate Small Wins 

It's not just about the big successes. Celebrate the small victories too! 

Every client you inspire, every positive change you witness—these are all milestones in your journey; every time you take imperfect action, celebrate yourself! 

You’re never going to shame or criticize yourself to success. Instead it’s about celebrating and rewarding all the little wins along the way. 

Your celebrations don’t have to be big or involve a lot of time or money. It might be giving your child a high five, saying “Go me!,” doing a happy dance, crossing something off your list, expressing gratitude, or playing your favorite song; just taking a brief moment to acknowledge your forward movement…no matter how tiny it may be.

7. Connect with a Support System

Don't go it alone. Build a support system of fellow coaches, mentors, and like-minded individuals who can offer guidance, encouragement, and a shoulder to lean on when you need it.

For me personally, I will always be invested in some kind of coaching or mastermind group because I not only learn so much, but I feel connected to a greater purpose and feel supported by those on a similar entrepreneurial journey.

8. Keep Learning

The wellness industry is constantly evolving. Continuous learning will keep you on top of your game; However, I think it’s about learning the “right” things. 

Many clients when they first come to me in my Make Money Now Program report feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or discouraged because they haven’t been getting clients, so they’ve enrolled in more wellness programs or gained additional certifications, such as yoga or functional nutrition, thinking that would solve the problem.

But all that does is cost them more time and money, and when they’re finally finished with the certification, they still have the same problem of not getting clients.

Instead, it’s about learning the business and marketing strategies; it’s about understanding compelling copy and magnetic messaging. 

So if you find yourself in this boat, instead of thinking you need another wellness certification (trust me you already know enough), I encourage you to instead look at business and copywriting support to address the root issue (if you wanna chat with me about either of these services I provide, just grab a time on my calendar).

9. Detach From the Outcome

As coachpreneurs, we often get so attached to our businesses that we meld ourselves and our own self-worth into it. Meaning if we don’t get the sale, if we get crickets on our posts, if no one shows up to our webinar, we think WE suck.

But typically the 3 biggest culprits when those things happen is we simply need to get in front of more eyeballs, we need to be more consistent, or we need to work on our messaging; sometimes all of the above. So it’s not about US and our self-worth, it’s simply a numbers and words game.

10. Make Self-Care Non-Negotiable 

You can't pour from an empty cup. Prioritize your own wellness so you can be the best coach you can be. A well-balanced coach is a more effective coach. 

For me, self-care meant seeing a therapist. It’s funny because despite other big traumas in my life like a cancer diagnosis and multiple miscarriages, it was actually starting my own business in 2017 that led me to seek therapy...and this is coming from a licensed mental health therapist of 20 years!!

I truly believe becoming an entrepreneur has been the ultimate personal development journey. It’s tried and tested me, it’s been lonely at times, it can be hard, it’s a long game, and yet…I would NEVER do anything else!

The sheer joy and freedom to live life as I want and where I want, to get to serve others as I desire and change people’s lives, and to have flexibility in my schedule is priceless!

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading these 10 tips! Tag me over on the Gram and lemme know which 1 most resonated with you!

Remember, sometimes you will just suck. It’s all part of the journey! You're not alone in the "suckiness" – every successful coach has been there; I know I have. So, embrace it, learn from it, and keep pushing forward. You've got this!

I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences as you navigate this exciting path. Feel free to share your stories or reach out with any questions. I’m here to support you every step of the way.


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