5 Irresistible Content Topics Your Audience Always Craves


Isn’t it funny how sometimes the toughest part of content creation is deciding what to talk about? It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack, especially when you're striving to make a meaningful impact on your audience.

But fear not! Today, I'm handing you a treasure map of sorts—a guide to uncovering the goldmine of content ideas hidden within your clients' challenges, desires, and misconceptions. Trust me, once you tap into these, you'll never run out of compelling stories to share.

✍️Your Client’s Pain Points: Think about the common struggles your clients face and address these in your content.

Make a list of all your client’s problems, symptoms, and obstacles and the impact of those things in the various areas of their life. Each item on the list can be a separate content topic and you speak to how you/your program solves that problem.

Keep brainstorming until you have at least 30 things listed…there’s 30 pieces of content right now, which can then be recycled.

✍️Your Client’s Desired Results: What is it that your clients specifically want instead?

As above, make a list of all your client’s desires and what they will be able to do, be, have, think, feel, or experience as a result of working with you. Again, each item on the list can be a separate content topic and you speak to how you/your program gets them that result.
Also as above, challenge yourself to come up with of 30+ results…there’s 30 more pieces of content to also reuse.

✍️Common Myths & Misconceptions of Your Ideal Clients: What is it that your believes that is standing in the way of their success?

For instance, you might have to dispel the myth that self-care is selfish if that’s what you help your audience with.

For my audience of helping newbie Coaches in the health and wellness space, it’s talking about how investing in business coaching is THE thing that will get them faster and easier biz results rather than trying to figure everything out on their own.

I would encourage you to come up with a list of at least 8-10 myths, which is 8-10 more pieces of content.

✍️Answer FAQs: Address frequently asked questions. These could range from understanding certain diets to navigating emotional wellness challenges.

FAQ’s are actually a very critical piece of copy because they handle the objections and hesitations your prospect has in working with you or that they’ll get results.

For instance, here’s an FAQ I address in my Make Money Now Program for Coaches:

“I’m barely earning an income (or no income at all)...how can I justify paying for this?

I totally get that investing money into your business when you’ve made little to none can feel scary and counterintuitive…that’s exactly why I created Make Money Now! I want you to follow a proven system to make money in your business ASAP, instead of waiting months and months or even years while you build out a huge signature program you don’t even know if anyone will buy. I only wish I had this when I first started out!”
With FAQ’s, you’ll continue adding to this list over time as you conduct discovery calls, take clients through your programs, survey your audience, and just in general talk with your ideal clients.
My encouragement is to brainstorm at least 10 FAQ’s that your prospects have and list any objections (like time, money, and why you over your competitors, etc.).

✍️Success & Overcome Stories: Highlight success stories of your clients (with their permission, of course!). Showcasing real transformations can be incredibly inspiring. 

It can also be inspiring to share your own trials and tribulations along your journey with what you help your clients with and how you persevered. Doing so actually makes you more relatable, authentic, and builds a deeper connection.
As with the FAQs, you’ll continue adding client success stories as your business continues to grow.

There you have it, 5 content topic ideas that your audience always wants to hear from you about. This could easily give you 100 pieces of content which you can then recycle and share again.

From uncovering your clients' deepest struggles to envisioning their desired outcomes, debunking myths that hinder their progress, and even addressing FAQs like a seasoned pro – these strategies form the bedrock of compelling content creation.

But remember, it's not just about their stories; it's about yours too. Sharing tales of triumph, showcasing real transformations, and even revealing your own journey through challenges fosters a genuine connection that resonates with your audience.

I hope these insights spark a wildfire of creativity in your content creation journey. Remember, each of these prompts isn’t just a topic; it’s an opportunity to engage, empathize, and empower your audience.

So, dive in, create content that inspires, and let your stories ignite a spark in your audience's lives. Share your wins, your struggles, and the victories of those you've helped – because that's where the magic truly happens.

I hope these tips make your content creation journey smoother. Let me know which one resonates with you or if you need any more advice—I’m here to help!


My 2023 Year In Review


Content Creation Made Easy: 6 Practical Tips for Busy Coaches