5 Tips to Confidently Share What You Do

Asking the question, “What do you do?” is one of the most common and universal questions everyone asks upon meeting someone new, making it crucial to confidently and concisely answer the question.

It’s so common in fact, that there’s a term for the answer to this question: It’s called an Elevator Pitch. 

While the concept of an elevator pitch is thought to have come from journalists trying to pitch ideas to their editors and having only the time on the elevator to pitch their ideas, elevator pitches have since morphed into sharing what you do; whether that’s in a formal setting like at a professional conference, business meeting, or networking event, or informally at a party or while in line at the grocery store.

Picture this: you step into an elevator with a potential client, referral partner, or collaborator - you have just a few floors to impress and intrigue them with what you do/offer. That's where the power of a compelling elevator pitch comes into play. Crafting the perfect pitch isn't just about being concise; it's about weaving a narrative that captivates, resonates, and leaves a lasting impression.

It’s critical, especially as an entrepreneur, to know how to confidently, clearly, and succinctly answer this question.

So, let's dive into 5 dos and don'ts of mastering this essential skill.

Elevator Pitch DO’S

1. Keep It Concise:

Aim for a pitch that lasts about 30 seconds (or around 75-150 words). Capture attention quickly and maintain interest.

2. Practice, Practice, Practice:

Refine your pitch by practicing it regularly. Strive for a natural delivery while maintaining the essence of your message.

3. Be Authentic:

Let your personality shine through. Authenticity builds trust and connection, crucial for potential clients to resonate with your message.

4. Adapt as Necessary:

Be ready to tailor your pitch on the fly based on the situation or the person you're talking to. Flexibility is key in making meaningful connections.

5. Have a Formal & Informal Elevator Pitch:

Depending on where you’re at, whom you’re talking to, the purpose, and how much time you have, you’ll want to tweak your elevator pitch.

I find having a very simple, short elevator pitch is helpful most of the time; for instance at the grocery store, at a party, at the gym.

Whereas you’ll want to be more strategic and perhaps formal with your elevator pitch when you’re at a networking event, professional conference, giving a masterclass or other similar situation where you’re representing your business in a strategic and professional manner.

As a Business Coach & Copywriter for Coaches in the Health & Wellness Space, my informal elevator pitch generally sounds like 1 of these, depending on whom I’m talking to and their understanding and interest in what I do:

“I help women market their successful business online” OR “I help Coaches in the Health & Wellness Space create and scale a successful online business.”

~I generally reserve this 1 for people like my dear mother in law who doesn’t know the world of online marketing and business,

but are genuinely curious what I do.
“I’m a Business Coach & Copywriter, helping Health & Wellness Coaches build their coaching business foundation, scale to $5k+ months, and create compelling content to land consistent paying clients.”

~I might use something like this when I’m talking informally to a potential prospect.

For a more formal elevator pitch, you can use this plug n play template:
"Hi, I'm [Your Name], a [Your Specialty] coach dedicated to helping [Your Target Audience] achieve [Their Desired Outcome]. Many [Target Audience] struggle with [Common Challenge], and I specialize in providing actionable strategies that [Solution/Benefit]. With [Years of Experience] in [Specific Field] and a focus on [Unique Approach], I've helped X number or numerous clients [Achievement/Result]. I'd love to chat more about how I can support you in reaching your goals. Could we schedule a quick call to connect further?"

Elevator Pitch DON’TS:

1. Being Too Long-Winded: Keep it concise and within the typical time frame of 30 seconds to two minutes for a more formal elevator pitch and 30 seconds or less for more informal ones. Avoid rambling or providing excessive details. 

Focus on the most important and compelling points. Avoid  overwhelming your audience with too much information that may dilute the impact of your pitch.

2. Using Jargon or Technical Terms: Ensure your pitch is easily understood by a diverse audience. Avoid industry-specific jargon that may confuse or alienate listeners.

This tip is critically important. Don’t make the mistake of trying to sound more “expert, professional, or smarter” than is necessary; sometimes we do this because it’s our own imposter syndrome or ego taking over, but truly keep things simple, direct, and concise.

3. Focusing Too Much on Yourself: While it's important to introduce yourself, the pitch should also highlight the value or benefits you bring to others. Avoid being overly self-centered.

4. Skipping a Call to Action: Clearly state what you want your audience to do next. Whether it's scheduling a meeting, visiting a website, or making a purchase, provide a clear call to action.

5. Being Too Salesy: While you want to promote yourself or your idea, avoid coming across as overly sales-oriented. Focus on building a genuine connection rather than pushing a hard sell.
And there you have it - the 5 do’s and don'ts of crafting a compelling elevator pitch. 

Remember, whether you're at a professional conference or networking event, a casual gathering, or even in line at the grocery store, your elevator pitch is your ticket to confidently sharing what you do. It’s what allows you to make memorable connections and opens doors to new opportunities. 

So, keep it concise, authentic, and action-oriented, and watch as your pitch propels you to new heights in your entrepreneurial journey.

Wanna get even further strategies and support to rock your Elevator Pitch so you can confidently share what you do with prospects, collaborators, and referral sources?

It’s there for you inside the Nail Your Niche Now Course!

Not only will you receive the Nail Your Elevator Pitch Now Guide, but you’ll also receive the must make mindset shifts to release your fears of niching down and a proven formula to choosing a profitable niche. Plus, you’ll receive these exclusive bonuses: 25 Winning Strategies to Attract Your Ideal Clients and 20 Plug-n-Play Content Prompts to Attract Your Niche Online.


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