15 Super Simple Self-Care Activities You Can Do in Less Than 1 Minute

Self-care is extremely important, but carving out time for it can be really difficult when you’re busy. And let’s face it, who’s not super busy these days? 

When we’re really stressed, that’s of course when we need self-care the most, but unfortunately it’s often the first thing that gets nixed from our to-do list.

Another challenge with self-care is it often feels selfish or indulgent; I think Moms especially have a hard time with feeling the Mom guilt over doing something for themselves (special shoutout to you amazing Moms out there!). 

But again, self-care is exactly what gives you the calm, energy, and ability to care for your family. That’s why I’ve compiled this quick self-care guide to help busy women add a little self-care into their day in ONE MINUTE OR LESS!

So let’s get to it…


I love dry brushing before I take my morning shower. It takes less than a minute and feels great for my skin.

If dry brushing is new to you, it involves brushing your body from head to toe towards your heart with a  boar bristle body brush. 

And in case you’re wondering why the heck someone would do that, it’s because dry brushing unclogs your pores, detoxifies your skin, increases your circulation and energy, and releases toxins from your body. 

Oh, and it helps reduce cellulite! So give it a try! 

Here’s a dry brush link on Amazon.


After my shower, I love to rub beautiful scented lotion into my skin. I’m a sucker for Bath n’ Body Works and lately I’ve been loving their Buttercups & Berry Belilni scent. 

For those with sensitive skin or want more natural ingredients, you may try this brand on Amazon.

I personally like to mix some baby oil in with my lotion. I just love the smell and invigoration that comes from rubbing body lotion after a hot shower.


If you’re not familiar with foam rolling, you’re in for a special treat! I start my morning and end my work day every day with a minute of foam rolling and it feels amazing, especially after a long day sitting at my desk.

After I foam roll, I can kiss my tense shoulders and tight low back good-bye!

There’s lots of different kinds and sizes of foam rollers so you might want to try a few out or read the reviews. Here’s the one I use: https://a.co/d/iYQ1qwy

Here’s a couple of foam rolling stretching YouTube videos that are just 5 minutes you can use:


I’m including a pic of me using my head massager because I’m sure once you see how cool I look:), you’ll stop what you’re doing and head right to Amazon

But seriously, this little head massager feels so great; it even vibrates!

Need more convincing? Head massaging’s been shown to relieve headaches, boost your memory, lower blood pressure, boosts your mood, and promotes hair growth…um, “Yes, please!”

5. Movement Cards

I have a set of movement cards I made for myself that I pull from ideally twice a day. I’m a business coach and copywriter so I like to do this between client sessions and delivery. 

To make these, I took index cards and cut them in half and put one exercise or movement on each card until I came up with 20 different cards. I shuffle the cards and choose 3 cards at random and complete what the card says.

Some examples are: 10 lunges each side, full body stretch for 1 minute, 20 jumping jacks, take 5 deep breaths, and 10 arm circles each arm.

It helps me feel re-energized, renews my focus, and feel less stiff while I’m sitting at my desk most of the day.

6. 4-7-8 Breathing

I’m sure you’re not surprised to see breathing on this list…and for good reason: it’s free, simple to do, and something we all need to do more of (deep focused breathing I mean). 

I personally like to use counting with my breaths because I find it makes me actually get out of my head and focus on the task at hand instead of the million other thoughts constantly fluttering through my head. 

I like the 4-7-8 method where you breath in through your nose to a count of 4, hold it to a count of 7, and exhale slowly through your mouth to a count of 8. You can repeat this as many times as you need.

7. Light Therapy

I absolutely LOVE my light therapy box! 

If you’re not familiar with light therapy, it’s a box that mimics outdoor light. It's thought that this type of light can cause a chemical change in the brain that lifts your mood and eases other symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder, such as being tired most of the time and sleeping too much (while I’ve not been diagnosed, I love using it in the winter months).

I definitely notice I feel more awake, focused, and alert the days I use my light therapy box. While I typically use mine for about 20 minutes in the morning while I play on my phone (I know, probably not the best habit, but no one’s perfect right?), even just a minute can make a difference. 

The one I personally use is no longer on Amazon, but here’s one that seems to have gotten good reviews: https://a.co/d/duzQgzt

8. Lighting a Scented Candle

I don’t light candles too much, but I have to say I do love lighting one at the end of a particularly hard work day. Once it’s lit, I say a little prayer or well wish for all the clients or others I came into contact with that day, take a few deep breaths, and then say out loud, “Okay, Laura, you’ve given enough of your time and energy to today, it’s time to let the day go and focus on the rest of my evening” (or insert whatever works for you-and spoiler: it' may sound weird to talk to yourself out loud, but that speaks more deeply to your subconscious). 

I then blow out the candle and the act of doing so helps trigger in my brain that it’s time to leave work at work and transition to the remainder of the day. 

Again, you may need to tweak this to fit your particular needs and lifestyle, but the scent as well as the mesmerizing flicker of a flame can feel indulgent and release stress.

And side note, I do this even though I work from home; I find it’s even more important when you work from home to have some kind of end of the work day routine to help you transition into the remainder of your day.

9. Use Scent in Your Shower

Another self-care tip I don’t use enough but love so much when I do, is using scents in the shower. Sometimes I just add drops of essential oils like peppermint and citrus to feel more awake in the morning, eucalyptus if I’m feeling an illness coming on, or lavender if I’m showering before bed. 

Amazon even sells Shower Melts and Shower Steamers just for this purpose; here’s one that received great reviews: https://a.co/d/7Uxia7G

10. Sip flavor enhanced water

We all know we’re supposed to drink at least 8 ounces of water/day and let’s face it, sometimes that can get a little boring.

But not when you add flavor enhancers!

Citrus fruits, such as lemons, limes, and oranges, are classic water enhancers, but other fruit flavors might also tempt your taste buds.

Try crushing fresh raspberries or watermelon into your water, or adding strawberry slices. Cucumber and fresh mint are refreshing flavors as well, especially in summer. You might also try these combinations: raspberry and lemon, rosemary and ginger, cinnamon and apple, and grape or pineapple with mint. Experiment and see what you come up with.

11. Smile

I was recently at my dentist’s office and noticed this quote on their wall that said, “A smile is a universal language.” This is so true, everyone loves a smile right? 

It might feel a little silly, but smiling at yourself can also give you a quick burst of happiness. Or if you’re watching tv with your family, smile at your partner or your kids; heck even the dog would appreciate it! 

When you smile, your brain releases tiny molecules called neuropeptides to help fight off stress and boost your feel good endorphins.

And in case smiling at yourself feels too weird, I’ve got ya covered! This is just for YOU:)!

12. The Rule of 3

Every morning as soon as I wake up (and before I grab my phone-yeah, I know, I need to break that habit), I say 3 things I’m grateful for. And I end my night the same way. 

My gratitude list is typically never anything vague like I’m grateful for the weather, or that I had a good day; but I get really specific. Like yesterday, I was really grateful for the cashier at the gas station who was so funny and friendly, having fun taking these silly pics for this blog, and my hubby sauteing delicious chicken and veggies for us for lunch.

I love this “attitude of gratitude” because it literally takes less than 30 seconds, but has the power to shift my mood and spirit. Try it for yourself! 

Bonus points if you write them down on a slip of paper and keep them in a clear jar where you can quickly see at a glance all that you’re grateful for. 

Going for extra credit? Do this with your kids, roommate, partner, or coworkers to spread the happiness!

14. Surprise Tea

Those that know me well, know I hate coffee and I’m a ride or die tea lover. So something fun and simple for self-care is keeping a variety of types of tea in a brown paper bag or of course you could get fancier; just something you can’t see into. 

Then mid afternoon I like to take a tea break and reach into the bag and pull out a tea bag…I never know what I’m gonna get, and of course I have my favorites I always hope for. Simple, but fun and decadent.

2 tips I have if you try the surprise tea challenge: if you’re doing this mid-afternoon, I recommend all your tea bags be decaf to avoid impacting your sleep. The other tip is to get creative with where you get your tea bags-sometimes hotel rooms have nice tea bags to swipe or the airport lounge if you belong to an airlines rewards club or your office break room may be a great place to check–just don’t snag someone’s personal tea stash-not cool.

14. Oil of Oregano

Oil of Oregano is my secret weapon for warding off colds and other illnesses. The moment I feel a scratch in my throat, I’m rushing for my oil of oregano and I’ve rarely gotten sick since using it.

There’s also ALL these surprising benefits of Oil of Oregano: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324203#10-benefits (#7 I’m definitely gonna have to try as I live in St. Martin in the Caribbean most of the time).

I personally love the sublingual drops…but I must warn you to use only 1 drop (at least to start) and have a glass of water next to you as Oil of Oregano is pretty potent. Personally, I’d rather have a moment of not the greatest taste in my mouth than dealing with days or even weeks of a cold.

To my knowledge there are no side effects or interactions with Oil of Oregano with other medications, but it’s always good practice to consult with your doctor.

15. Put on Fuzzy Socks

Last but not least, I can’t leave off wearing fuzzy socks as a simple and decadent way to love yourself, especially in the winter months (that’s also when I happen to be in St. Louis, Missouri and they become a necessity). 

I also advocate channeling your inner child and choosing socks with your favorite character or animal on them. Like these llama socks I practically live in on my winter work from home days.


There you have it, 15 simple, and either free or low-cost, ways to indulge yourself in less than a minute. 

The key to self-care is to start small and be consistent; do what you can do and listen to your body, mind, and spirit to tell you if you’re getting enough or you need to prioritize yourself more. Don’t underestimate the power of 1 minute!

And for my supermoms reading who’re struggling with believing self-care is selfish or have guilt about taking a minute for yourself, remember what message you’re sending your children if you’re always over-giving and exhausting yourself to the point you’re constantly snapping at your kids or in a zoned out trance in the evenings and unable to give them your undivided attention.

Practicing your own self-care models the importance they have in your life as you’re able to show up as a more present parent. So give yourself grace…and some self-love! 

I’d love to hear from you: Which self-care activity are you most excited about trying out for yourself? And please share your own ways of taking care of yourself so we can all learn from each other!


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