The 3 Biggest Mistakes Holding You Back From Coaching Business Success


Building a business isn’t for the faint hearted and certainly not something everyone can do.

But YOU are different!

YOU can do this.

YOU can build a successful Coaching business. 

I’m here to help you experience more ease and success while building your business. That’s why I’m sharing 3 of the biggest mistakes holding entrepreneurs back from business success.

If you’re guilty of committing these mistakes like I was, know you’re not alone!

And there is hope! Simply being aware of these mistakes is step 1.

So without further adieu, let’s get to the 3 biggest mistakes holding you back from business success:


1.Being a perfectionist

It’s probably not a surprise that perfectionism made the list for top 3 biggest mistakes we as entrepreneurs make. The majority of us are type A, highly ambitious, and have a very specific vision for how we want our business, programs, content, social presence, and everything else in between to be.

So it can be hard to let go; to take imperfect action.

Perfectionism is actually the same thing as not knowing your niche (another very common entrepreneurial challenge). It’s true, because perfectionism is a survival strategy that we use to avoid judgment. 

Think about that for a moment. As long as I say, I identify as being a perfectionist, so therefore everything has to be perfect, guess what? 

I stay stuck, “safely” behind my computer, never putting anything out there because I can’t ever reach perfect. 

Perfection is utopia. 

It doesn't exist. 

That program, course, or piece of content will never be perfect; there’s always something you can do to better it, tweak it, or add on to it.

Perfectionism is a mask to keep you safe. 

Instead it’s adopting the mindset of being an imperfect scientist and testing and exploring.

You’re testing out niches, offers, messaging, content, prices, and pretty much everything else in your business; keeping what works and tweaking what doesn’t.

There’s no perfectionism, no success or failure; simply learning, growing, and tweaking.

2. Overcomplicating things

Overcomplicating things in our business, while seemingly is frustrating for us, also serves a purpose.

Think about it: “I don't want it simple. I want it complicated because if it's complicated, now I have a reason not to do it.”

Over-complicating things or over-analyzing every little thing in your business is just like perfectionism. 

Over-complicating or over-analyzing things is a “safety blanket.” 

But actually, it's simple. You could go out today and help someone. You don’t need to have a huge, signature program and everything all figured out and created ahead of time. 

You don’t need to be posting on social media 5 days a week or even at all to get your first sale.

You don’t need a website, business cards, or a YouTube channel.

In fact, that’s the biggest waste of time because you don’t even know if someone even wants your offer. 

It’s so much easier and more profitable to create as you go/earn as you learn, which is exactly what I teach you step by step inside of Make Money Now.

3. Focusing on what you know your clients need instead of what they want

You need to be really clear on what your ideal client actually wants: That is what’s going to bring them in the door? What are they googling, what’s their “wake up in the middle of night” worry or struggle they want to solve?

This is what you focus on.

Typically this is something external or physical and that is what you as a Coach should focus on to get them in the door.

For instance, as a Coach you may want to help your clients balance their hormones. However, your clients likely don’t know their hormones are out of balance. They just know their clothes aren’t fitting, they’ve got a spare tire around their middle, and they’re waking up at 3 am every night so they’re exhausted every day.

If you only focus your content and messaging on balancing hormones, you likely won’t have success. That’s because, again your ideal client doesn’t know they have a hormone issue.

And even if they did, they don’t really care about balancing their hormones. They care about solving the specific symptoms they’re currently experiencing.

They care that their jeans don’t button, that they’re yelling at their kids all the time, that they’re avoiding being intimate with their partner because they feel so self-conscious and it’s straining their relationship.

You talk about those problems and “get them in the door” and then you give them what you know they need; which might include things like foods that disrupt hormones and stress management to improve sleep and cortisol levels.

But if you “go in '' saying how they need to balance their hormones or eat a holistic diet, you’ll likely lose them because they don’t know what those things mean and they only care about solving the tangible problem in front of them.

Tangible problems such as weight loss, repairing their marriage, getting their first paying client, or giving them energy to focus during their entire work day are problems that prospects are willing to pay to solve.

So, there you have it: 3 things holding you back from creating a successful coaching business. Here's the reality check – you've got this! You're not alone on this journey, and I'm here to help you experience more ease and success while building your business. Whether it's breaking free from perfectionism, simplifying your approach, or aligning with your client's desires, I've got your back.

Remember, success lies not in perfection but in progress; not in complexity but in simplicity. It's time to unmask these pitfalls and step into a more empowered and authentic entrepreneurial experience.

If you’re ready to bring money into your coaching business as easily and quickly as possible (without all the overanalyzing, perfectionism, or not marketing to your clients’ desires, then join me for Make Money Now, where we’ll create your irresistible Mini-Offer, craft your compelling sales page, and strategically beta launch it to your audience.


Hi, I’m Laura!

Business Coach & Copywriter for Health Coaches

I help health coaches build their online coaching business foundation, scale to $5k+ months, and create copy that converts so they can attract quality leads, make consistent sales, and free up loads of their time. I love sharing all things mindset, nailing your niche, email marketing, sales pages, and copywriting.

Check out my FREE Coaches' Success Starter Kit full of amazing templates, swipes and content ideas!

Have a question or wanna schedule a business building chat?

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