How to Add $1k+ to Your Coaching Business


I see so many coaches spend months and months perfecting their big signature coaching program, yet they don’t know if their niche will even want or invest in it (and often they’re not even sure of - or clear enough- yet on their niche to begin with).

Meanwhile, they’re not helping anyone or making money in their coaching business…the precise reason they took a leap of faith and became a coach in the first place!

Can you relate??

I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be that way!

I have a simple and much easier way to not only help your clients get amazing results, but also bring money into your business much faster:

  1. Create a Mini Offer

  2. Beta Launch It  

A Mini Offer helps your specific ideal client overcome a very specific problem, gives them an awesome win, and provides them an enjoyable taste of working with you…so they’ll be more likely to work with you in the future.

And for you, it means you’re able to bring money into your business in a faster and easier way, because you’re creating it as you go (beta launching).

What could you do with an extra $500, $1000, or $5000 or more (the sky’s the limit)??

Imagine you’re able to…

  • Finally hire a virtual assistant to get help in your business so you’re no longer constantly plagued by overwhelm and working long hours

  • Buy that client management system, like Practice Better or CoachVantage, so you can look more professional, be organized, and free up even more of your time

  • Invest in that Copywriter to get your website copy written (ahem…I know a great copywriter:)

That’s the beauty of doing a Mini Offer and Beta Launching!

Mini-Offers are money-making magic in your business because they…

  1. Give a quick cash injection into your business

  2. Offer your ideal client a quick win 

  3. Build that know, like, trust factor with your prospects

  4. Provide social proof and testimonials, inspiring more clients to click that “buy now” button

  5. Create personal confidence, especially if you’re just starting out

  6. Build your email list; lead generation

  7. Help people who may be short on time, money, or energy 

  8. Often eliminate the need to offer a free discovery offer (because with a mini-offer it’s a low-risk, low-investment service to begin with)

But, my 2 FAVORITE reasons to create a Mini Offer?

1. You gain invaluable information about your niche and the specific language they use, making your copy and messaging so much more compelling (and your signature system SO much easier to create)! 

2. People who buy it often become long-term or return clients!

I hope you see immense benefits and potential of creating a Mini Offer to bring in $1k+ into your coaching business! 

In case you’re thinking, “Wow, this sounds awesome, but HOW do I actually do this?”

I’ve created Make Money Now (MMN): Bring $1k+ in to Your Coaching Business While Building Your Signature System.

In MMN, I take you through my proven 3 step system to 1. Nail Your Niche 2. Create Your Mini-Offer 3. Strategically Beta Launch it.

In fact, I created Make Money Now as a Mini-Offer myself and Beta Launched it to my audience. I made over $3k in the first launch, and now I get to continue to relaunch and profit from it each and every month.

CLICK HERE to get all the juicy details for Make Money Now and let’s bring in $1k+ in your coaching business today! 


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