10 Strategies to Get More Coaching Clients Today


Hey there, fellow Coaching Trailblazer! Let's talk about a topic that's as real as it gets: the wild ride of getting consistent coaching clients. If you've ever felt like you're surfing waves of excitement one moment and trudging through valleys of uncertainty the next, trust me, you're not alone!

The journey to building a thriving coaching practice isn't a straight path paved with glittering success. Nope, unfortunately, it's more like a roller coaster with twists, turns, and the occasional loop-de-loop that leaves your stomach in knots.🎢

But guess what? Embracing the ups and downs is all part of the adventure, and in this blog, I’m gonna share 10 strategies you can use - just not all at once please - to get consistent clients in your coaching practice.🚀

10 Strategies to get coaching clients:

1. Know Your Ideal Client Inside Out

Before you even think about attracting clients, take some time to clearly define your ideal client. Think about their goals, challenges, and aspirations. Send your ideal clients a survey, poll, or even better, conduct voice of customer interviews with them so you learn the exact language they use to describe their pain points and what they want instead. Understanding your audience deeply will enable you to tailor your marketing efforts to attract the right people – those who resonate with your coaching style and approach. Having trouble narrowing your niche?

2. Create a Mini Offer

Sometimes, the best way to attract clients is to let them experience a sample of your coaching style. Consider hosting a paid masterclass, mini-course, or 1 off strategy session. This not only showcases your skills but also helps potential clients understand the value you can bring to their lives. Remember, people are more likely to invest in something/someone they've had a taste of and enjoyed.

Not sure what kind of Mini-Offer to create or feel stuck on who your niche specifically is? No worries, I’ve got ya! Let’s not only get crystal clear on who exactly you serve, but create your Mini-Offer, share it with your audience, and bring in the moolah into your wellness coaching business! Grab my Mini-Offer: Make Money Now: Add $1k In Your Coaching Business While Building Your Signature System.

3. Harness the Power of Content Marketing

Blogging, creating videos, or starting a podcast are fantastic ways to position yourself as an authority in the wellness coaching niche. Share valuable insights, tips, and success stories that resonate with your audience. Content marketing not only helps attract organic traffic but also establishes your expertise, which is key to winning clients.

4. Build Your Email List

Your email list is like your treasure trove of potential clients. Create a lead magnet, such as cheat sheets, swipe file, guide, or a checklist to compel people to subscribe. Once you have their email addresses, nurture those leads through regular newsletters, offering them value, and building a relationship. This personalized approach can convert leads into loyal clients.

5. Collaborate and Network

Building a strong client base doesn't mean you have to do it all on your own. Collaborate with other wellness professionals, online influencers, or local businesses that align with your values and who serve your niche but in a little different way. For example, as a Business Coach & Copywriter for Wellness Coaches, I love guesting on Podcasts that support Wellness Coaches, such as Suzanne Monroe’s Live Well, Dream Big Podcast. Guest posting, joint webinars, or cross-promoting each other's content can expand your reach and attract new clients from different circles. Getting in front of other people’s audiences is 1 of the best ways to build your own audience and grow your client base.

6. Simply Ask

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve asked my wellness coaching clients I serve when was the last time they simply emailed their audience with an offer and they tell me months ago or basically never! And I’ve been guilty of this myself before! A great way to do this is simply let your audience know you have 2 (or X number) of client spots available this month to help X (specific niche you serve struggling with Y (specific problem you solve) so they can Z (specific benefits, outcomes, or results they’ll get). Then let them know exactly what to do to grab 1 of the spots. It’s incredible how often the simple strategies like this have been so successful in my own business and I’m sure will be for yours as well.

7. Host a Webinar or Workshop

Giving a workshop or webinar is a wonderful way to build your audience, provide value, position you as an expert, and promote a paid offer to work with you. Be sure to promote to social media, share with your email list, make personal reach outs to those you know might be interested in attending, and send your collaborators, friends, and colleagues the details in case they know someone to share it with.

8. Reach out to “your people”

Let your inner circle know what you do, who you help, and how you help them. Ask them if they can connect you with 1-2 people they know who fit in your niche. Provide them with the exact words to say to make an introduction that way it’s as low effort for them as possible. You’re more likely to see results from this if you let them know how they can specifically help you and what you want them to do and say.

9. Leverage Testimonials and Referrals

Happy clients are your best brand ambassadors. Encourage satisfied clients to provide testimonials and share their success stories. Word-of-mouth referrals are incredibly powerful and can lead to a chain reaction of new clients coming your way. You can set up an affiliate type of program where past and current clients can refer others to work with you and receive some type of compensation if that person invests in working with you.

10. Invest in Advertising (Strategically)

While organic efforts are fantastic, sometimes a targeted advertising campaign can give your lead generation a boost. Platforms like Facebook and Google allow you to narrow down your audience based on specific demographics and interests. Be mindful of your budget and target your ads strategically to get the most out of your investment. Because ads can often be complicated, I would suggest either trying the other strategies here first, particularly strategy #1, and you may want to consider hiring an Ads Manager so you get the best results without wasting unnecessary ads money.

There you have it, 10 strategies to get coaching clients! I would encourage you to choose 1 strategy to start and evaluate your results before moving on to another strategy or thinking you need to do all of them.

Remember, building a strong client base is a journey, not an overnight success. I personally like to employ Marketing Mondays in my business, so I’m continually focused each week on connecting with potential collaborators and referral partners, inquiring about podcast guesting, creating content for my audience, and connecting on social. Be patient, stay consistent with your efforts, and keep refining your strategies based on what works best for you and your ideal clients. 

Wanna get 1:1 personalized support on YOUR coaching business and inject $1k+ into your Wellness Coaching Business? Don’t forget to grab Make Money Now: Add $1k In Your Coaching Business While Building Your Signature System!


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