10 Copy Hacks to Write More Engaging Emails

Albers Wellness Copy Hacks

10 Copy Hacks to Write More Engaging Emails

Did you know email marketing is STILL the most popular - AND most effective - form of marketing?

Here’s a few mind blowing stats:

✔️ Organic reach is ~ 4x higher on email than on social media

✔️ Email generates $38 for every $1 spent (That’s an astounding 3,800% return on investment (ROI), making it one of the most effective options available

✔️ Marketers who use segmented campaigns note as much as a 760% increase in revenue with email marketing

So clearly the rumor that email is dead is simply that…a rumor; and a malicious, completely false one at that!

BUT in order to get more “bang for your email marketing buck” there are some ways you can improve readability, create more engagement with your audience, and increase the chances of getting that incredible ROI.

Here’s 10 copy hacks to write more engaging emails:

  1. Use more white space

  2. Create edutainment

  3. Pique curiosity

  4. Always use CTA’s

  5. Optimize your signature

  6. Ensure juicy subject lines

  7. Use 2nd person

  8. Check mobile

  9. Be scannable

  10. The rule of 1

So let’s do a deeper dive into each of these copy hacks:

1. Use More White Space

You know, that empty, blank area between text, images, and other design elements? That’s known as white space (aka negative space). It might seem unimportant, but white space actually plays a huge role in making your content visually appealing and easy to read. 

Here’s some ways to use it effectively in your emails:

  1. Break up long paragraphs into shorter, easily digestible chunks. Typically you don’t want paragraphs longer than 2 sentences when you’re writing online. Even 1 word can be its own paragraph! Always be looking for ways to break up your paragraphs.

  2. Use bullet points or numbered lists to organize information and make it scannable.

  3. Leave enough space between sections and elements to create a sense of separation and clarity.

  4. Pay attention to the overall balance and symmetry of your email design. It should look visually pleasing and well-structured.

  5. Oh, and one more thing, don't overcrowd your email with excessive images, text, or unnecessary design elements. Keep it clean and focused.

2. Create edutainment

Edutainment is the perfect blend of education and entertainment that can make your email content truly stand out. By infusing your emails with valuable information, insights, or tips while adding a touch of personality and entertainment, you create a winning combination that keeps your readers engaged and eager to open future emails.

Here's 4 ways to create edutainment in your email content:

  1. Inject your personality: Be authentic and let your personality shine

  2. Use engaging formats: Include videos, GIFs, emojis, quizzes, or mini-games

  3. Tell compelling stories: Share anecdotes or real-life examples that illustrate the points you're making; it becomes more memorable and enjoyable for your readers

  4. Surprise & delight your readers: Surprise your readers from time to time with something unexpected. It could be a hidden gem of knowledge, a fun fact, or a humorous twist

3. Pique Curiosity

The goal here is to create that immediate interest and make your readers think, "Wait, I need to know what's in this email!" Once you've piqued their curiosity, they're more likely to dive into your content and keep reading.

This starts with juicy subject lines (read more about that in #6), and continues throughout your email. Teasers, compelling questions, and cliffhangers are 3 ways to pique your audiences’ curiosity and keep them engaged.

4. Use Calls To Action (CTAs)

CTAs are like a guiding hand, directing your readers on what action to take next. You don't want your audience to be left wondering, "What do I do now?"  When you nail your CTAs, you'll see more engagement and better results from your email campaigns.

Here’s a few tips to make your CTAs shine:

  1. Get clear & specific: Don’t give them general or overwhelming next steps. Also be sure to just use ONE CTA in each piece of content. 

  2. Use compelling, results based language: For example, instead of  using “click here” as the CTA for free productivity templates you could say, “Yes, I wanna boost my productivity.”

  3. Use your brand colors for your CTAs so your audience associates your CTAs with your brand and to make your CTAs stand out more.

5. Optimize your signature

You know, that little section at the end of your emails that people often forget about? Well, it's actually a great opportunity to engage your audience further. So, let's make the most of it! 

Here’s some tips to optimize your email signature:

  1. Include essential contact information: your full name, business website, business phone number, email address, and social media handles are all great pieces of information to include. You can also include your headshot or another professional photo to further connect your emails to you and your brand.

  2. You can use your own signature in your primary branded color to stand out further.

  3. Include the title and link of your free gift in your signature line to further showcase your expertise and build your email list.

6. Ensure Juicy Subject Lines

Think of subject lines as the bouncers at the door of your emails. They have the power to make people either excitedly open your message or just hit delete. So you definitely want to grab your readers' attention right from the start, and crafting compelling subject lines that ignite curiosity is the way to go. 

Here are some tips to help you create that irresistible curiosity factor in your emails:

  1. Use power words: These are persuasive words marketers and advertisers use in copywriting to elicit an emotional response from the target audience. Power words evoke an emotional response to engage the reader, encourage action, and boost conversion rates. You can find out more HERE.

  2. Use action words: Use verbs that create a sense of excitement or urgency. For example, instead of a plain "Check out our new product," try something like "Discover the game-changer that will transform your life." The more dynamic and action-oriented your subject line, the more likely it is to catch attention and entice your audience.

  3. Personalize your emails using your subscriber’s first name.

  4. Use urgency: Let your recipients know that there's a limited time offer, a deadline approaching, or a special event happening soon. Words like "limited time," "don't miss out," or "today only" add a sense of urgency and prompt people to open your email right away.

  5. Use A/B testing: Experiment with different subject lines to see which ones get the best response. Test variations of your subject lines, including different wording, lengths, or even emojis. Collect data on open rates and click-through rates to identify what works best for your audience. Continuous testing and optimization will help you refine your subject lines and maximize their impact.

Wish you had a bunch of copywriter crafted plug n play juicy subject lines at your fingertips? No worries, I’ve got you covered! It’s all here for you in “40 Juicy Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rate.”

7. Use 2nd Person

When you address your readers directly, using "You," it's like having a friendly chat. It makes your readers feel like you're talking to them personally, which unsurprisingly, people like.

Using 2nd person makes your CTA more personal and compelling. It puts the focus on your readers and what they can gain. It's like saying, "Hey, this is for you!"

8. Check mobile

We all know how glued we are to our smartphones these days, right? So, it's crucial to ensure your emails are mobile-friendly; that is, they look good and are easily scannable on mobile.  

Have you ever opened an email on your phone, only to find a jumbled mess of text and images? Not a great experience, right? That's why it's crucial to test your emails on different mobile devices, ensuring that everything appears as it should, with no wonky formatting or misplaced elements. A seamless and visually appealing experience keeps your readers engaged and eager to explore your content.

Also keep in mind, mobile screens come with their own set of limitations, like smaller sizes and touch-based navigation. That's why it's important to optimize your emails for mobile usage. Make sure your buttons are large enough to be easily tapped with a finger, and that your text is readable without zooming in. 

Don't leave mobile compatibility up to chance. Test your emails on different devices, checking for responsiveness, font sizes, image alignment, and overall layout. By doing thorough testing, you can catch any issues and make necessary adjustments before hitting that "send" button.

9. Be Scannable

As I’ve mentioned, it’s critical to make your emails super easy to skim through. We know that people are busy and often don't have the time or patience to read every single word in an email. That's why it's important to make your emails scannable. 

Here's how:

  1. Use Subheadings: Break up your email content into sections with clear and descriptive subheadings. Subheadings act like signposts, guiding your readers to the sections that interest them the most. It allows them to quickly scan through your email and dive into the parts they find most relevant. It's like a mini roadmap to help them navigate your message.

  2. Highlight Key Points: Bold or italicize important words or phrases to draw attention. When readers are skimming, these highlighted elements will catch their eyes and convey the essential information. It's like shining a spotlight on the important stuff and saying, "Hey, check this out!"

  3. Bulleted Lists for the Win: Bullet points are your best friends when it comes to scannable emails. Instead of long paragraphs, use concise bullet points to list out key information or action steps. It's visually appealing, breaks up the text, and makes it super easy for readers to quickly grasp the main ideas. Think of it as bite-sized information for them to gobble up easily.

  4. Keep It Concise: Keep your sentences and paragraphs short and sweet. Long, dense blocks of text are daunting and will likely send your readers running for the hills.

  5. Use Visuals: Don't be afraid to incorporate visuals like images or icons to support your message. Visual elements can break up the text and make your email more visually appealing. Just make sure the visuals are relevant and add value to your content. A well-placed image can speak volumes and catch the eye of your skimming readers.

10. The rule of 1 (CTA, topic, challenge/email)\

The rule of 1 is the idea of having ONE main topic you’re discussing, ONE main challenge, and ONE CTA. 

This rule is all about simplicity and clarity, making it easier for your readers to understand and act upon your message. So, here's what it's all about:

Don't overwhelm your readers with multiple requests or options. Instead, choose the most important action you want them to take and make it crystal clear. Whether it's signing up for an event, making a purchase, or clicking a link, having one clear CTA ensures that your readers know exactly what you want them to do.

Keep your email centered around one key topic. It's tempting to include multiple ideas or messages in a single email, but that can lead to confusion, overwhelm, and can dilute the impact of your message. By focusing on one topic, you can provide more depth and detail, giving your readers a better understanding of the subject at hand. Remember, it's better to cover one topic well than to touch on several topics superficially.

One Challenge or Email: If you're sending an email that involves a challenge or a problem, stick to addressing just one. Presenting multiple challenges in a single email can be overwhelming for your readers, and they may not know where to start or how to prioritize. By focusing on one challenge, you can provide specific solutions or steps to overcome it, making it more manageable and actionable for your audience.

There you have it! 10 copy hacks to write more engaging emails and boost the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns. Wanna get even MORE compelling tips to boost your email engagement? Grab my FREE Coaches’ Success Starter Kit and among the many fantastic resources like “48 Social Media Post Ideas” and “Create a Sales Page for Your Course That Sells,” you’ll also receive this e-book, “Email Copywriting 101: Writing Killer Emails That Get Results.” All YOURS, All FREE!

Email marketing continues to be a powerhouse in the marketing world, delivering impressive ROI and unmatched organic reach. By incorporating these strategies into your email copy, you can optimize readability, captivate your audience's attention, and increase the chances of business success.

So, go ahead and apply these copy hacks to your email marketing strategy. Experiment, iterate, and find what works best for your audience. With these tips in your toolbox, you're well-equipped to write engaging emails that leave a lasting impact. Happy email marketing and good luck with your campaigns!

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